summer plans

 Hello! we meet again, i hope you are very well, today i will comment on my plans for the summer.

As we know we are in a very unstable context with the health crisis, some time ago we were planning with my family to go a couple of weeks to visit Pucon and its surroundings or maybe go a little further south. We hope to make it and if it doesn't work out maybe go visit my grandparents in Lebu which is in the Bio Bio region.

Due to the volatile environment and the fact that the cases of covid are not going down we see these plans in danger. Individually, with a friend we are planning to go to the fifth region in Quintero, but like the above the context complicates it.

My family likes the tourist routes that local companies take, i personally prefer to go at my own pace, ask for recommendations from acquaintances and visit those places, i am also eager to go swimming again and in Pucón there are very good places to swim.

If we manage to go to Quintero, it will be a short and very recreational outing to recharge energy to go to the beach and i also look forward to swimming at the beach. I think that one of the things i have missed most in the pandemic is being able to swim.


  1. I love Pucon too, I hope the contagion cases go down for vacation....

  2. What a beautiful place, Pucon. I hope you can do all those things at some point.

  3. It's nice Pucon, you just have to go with a lot of money, it's very expensive. I stay with Quintero, the bonfires and its beaches.


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