
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2020


Hello! hoping you are well, i welcome you to my second english IV blog! in this opportunity i will share with you my best holidays… I don't remember the exact date but it had to be around 2018, we had recently left the middle room and didn't know what to do in the summer, when from the father of a classmate came the brilliant idea of going to his plot for a pair of days. Pair of days turned into a week and another couple of days haha we were near the rapel lake, which is near santiago, we rented a bus and left. on that trip we were about 24 people. we sang karaoke, we had parties, we didn't eat much rice and noodles, also only bread with margarine for breakfast and in the afternoon. on the plot there was a pool and a trampoline, it was fun. It has been the best vacation for the simple fact of being accompanied by my best friends and i also had the opportunity to know them even more.


  hello! hoping you are well, i welcome you to my first english IV blog! will tell you a little bit about why i would like to visit Japan... Agregar leyenda I don't really know much about the country, but the technology they have and the fact that the anime is Japanese makes it very interesting for me to have the opportunity to go. I would like very much to visit their museums like the Hamamatsu air park or a visit outdoors like in the sankeien garden. and obviously visit and tour the big cities like Tokyo, to visit the viewpoint of Mori Tower. I don't know if i would like to live in the country, but anything is better than Latin America. Studying in Japan would be a great challenge and not only because of the language barrier, i would prefer to study in Mexico or Spain, easier and i would not have to learn another language xD I hope to travel sometime...